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What happened at student’s first exam…

Recording video for grade exams is not easy!


Esmond is 11 years old this year. He has been learning classical percussion with me for almost two years. Last month, he took part in the ABRSM grade 3 percussion (combined) exam.

學習敲擊樂第二年的Esmond 今天要考英皇三級!

The biggest hassle for recording for percussion exam is to look for the appropriate instruments, and then a space that can fit all the instruments. As the video has to be in one take, this space has to be pretty big as well...


Esmond’s mother has rented a recording space at Oaklands Recording Studio for this special occassion. They have snare drum, a 3-octave xylophone, and a pair of timpanis, which was perfect for the requirement of this exam (grade 3 percussion requires students to play with two timpanis).


Prior to this, Esmond has never played on a real timpani before! But he prepared very hard for this exam, and has been practising his timpani piece using the tom toms from his drum kit at home.


We booked the studio for two hours. Esmond spent the first hours warming up and rehearsing. Then he recorded the whole program five times. Eventually, we thought the second take was the best.


We were so hungry and exhausted afterwards. Student’s mother has prepared some cakes to share. We ate the cakes happily on the car ride back home.


The exam result returned within a week from England. Esmond received Merit - 120/150! What a huge achievement, especially considering the fact that this is his first ever musical instrument exam!

考試成續一個星期就出了,真是神效率呀。學生拿到優異的成績 - 120/150分!恭喜!第一次考試就拿到這個成績,真是可喜可賀呢!

Does any one also think that Esmond’s mum who is holding drumsticks in the forth photo looks like a percussionist more than Esmond?

有沒有人也覺得第四張照片中拿著鼓棒的學生家長 看起來好像比學生更像敲擊樂家😂



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